
The Molten Network provides grants to incentivize and support innovative projects within its ecosystem. Here’s how you can apply for a grant and contribute to the growth of the Molten Network.

Grant Application Process

  1. Join the Molten Network Discord: To start the grant application process, join our Discord community at Molten Network Discord.

  2. Use the Grants Channel: Navigate to the grants channel within the Discord server. This is where you will create your grant application publicly.

  3. Grant Application Templates: Utilize the provided templates to structure your grant application. These templates are designed to help you clearly outline your project, goals, and required resources.

  4. Community Suggested Bounties: Check out the grant bounties suggested by the community. These are specific projects or tasks that the community wants to see completed, along with suggested amounts of MOLTEN as rewards.

Grant Sizes and Budgets

  • Flexible Grant Sizes: While applicants can request grants of any size, it’s important to note that there is a limited grant budget allocated every two months.

  • Bimonthly Budget Allocation: The community decides the grant budget for each two-month period (epoch). Projects can only request grants within the remaining available budget for that epoch.

Steps to Apply for a Grant

  1. Prepare Your Application: Use the templates provided in the grants channel to prepare your grant application. Clearly outline your project, objectives, and the amount of MOLTEN you are requesting.

  2. Submit Your Application: Post your completed application in the grants channel. Ensure that your application is detailed and addresses all necessary criteria.

  3. Community Review: The community will review your grant application. Engage with community members, answer any questions they may have, and provide additional information if needed.

  4. Budget Consideration: Keep in mind the current grant budget for the epoch. Make sure your requested amount fits within the remaining available budget.

  5. Approval and Funding: Once your grant application is approved, you will receive the allocated MOLTEN to support your project.

By following these steps, you can apply for grants to support your innovative projects and contribute to the growth of the Molten Network.

Join our community on Discord to get started and learn more about available grants and bounties.